Day 6 Ovando MT

I’m sitting in my Helinox folding chair outside the Stray Bullet restaurant. I’ve got my rain jacket on, there’s a light rain coming down, it’s rained all morning. The rain feels refreshing on my face. The ride from Seeley Lake was very beautiful and scenic. I believe Western Montana is one of the most scenic states I’ve ever experienced. Ovando…

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Day 6 Ovando MT

I’m sitting in my Helinox folding chair outside the Stray Bullet restaurant. I’ve got my rain jacket on, there’s a light rain coming down, it’s rained all morning. The rain feels refreshing on my face. The ride from Seeley Lake was very beautiful and scenic. I believe Western Montana is one of the most scenic states I’ve ever experienced. Ovando…

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There is a God in Heaven

And, He hath heard my prayer. After riding today for just shy of 6 hours, 35.9 miles with 5,206 vertical feet of climbing I was faced with a challenging situation. After visiting with several North bound riders, I learned of a route closure between Holland Lake and Seeley Lake, due to the fires that are currently burning. This means that…

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Remote Camping, August 3, 2023

I was determined to beat the heat today. I awoke at 6:00 and began breaking down my tent and loading my kit. My breakfast consisted of two slices of old Domino’s Pizza. I was pleased to see the ants hadn’t gotten to the pizza in the bear box. After all, bear boxes are designed to keep out bears not ants.…

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Day 3, August 2, 2023

Hot, hot, hot. This seems to be the normal. Plus 90 degree weather is creating quite the suffer fest. It’s currently 3:30 pm and the heat is all engulfing. I’ve pulled over in the shade to make this post. I wanted an early start but 3 things got in the way. 1-I needed groceries before leaving Whitefish. I had to…

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